Div Surg Div Surg | Canadian Armed Forces


Combat Support Squadron Medical Technician (CSSMT)

CSSMTS work in a flying position and operate with an enhanced medical scope of practice in a demanding rescue role. Daily work conditions faced by CSSMT require that they have strong communication skills to operate effectively with other CSS aircrew (pilots and flight engineer). In addition, they must be able to operate independently in an austere environment (point of injury) up to an extended period of time. To be successful, they must be physically fit and capable of carrying heavy equipment over long distances in rough terrain. e.g. with minimal to no assistance transport (drag) a stokes litter loaded with a casualty from point of injury to the aircraft. Furthermore, the CSSMT must be proficient in med tech protocols IOT provide prehospital care to casualties at point of injury.

MS Andrew Cleveland

CSSMT Standards Officer, 1 Cdn Air Div Search and Rescue Standards Evaluation Team (SARSET)

Three Aeromedical Specialists,
Saving Lives one flight at a time.

Click each to learn more.

Aeromedical Evacuation

Provide lifesaving in-flight patient care to those who need it most.

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Search and Rescue

SAR TECH PLEDGE SAR TECH PLEDGE Their motto "That Others May Live" reaffirms the SAR Tech's commitment to saving lives and self-sacrifice.

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Aerospace Medicine

Provide lifesaving in-flight patient care to those who need it most.

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